Rose Quartz

The Rose Quartz crystal gently removes negativity and reinstates the loving forces of self-love. It can also act as a rejuvenating agent.



  • Astrological Sign: Taurus and Libra
  • Hardness is a 7
  • Vibrates to the number 7

Some area of use:

  • gently removes negativity
  • reinstates the loving, gentle forces of self-love
  • spiritual attunement to the energy of love
  • can attune each chakra to the proper frequency of energy vibration
  • can act as a rejuvenating agent for both the physical body and emotions

Treatment uses:

  • clear fluids in the cells of the body, promote the release of impurities;
  • opening of the heart center, dissolving stress and tension;
  • vertigo, disorders of the kidneys and adrenal glands;
  • placed on the area of the heart: can reduce pain and stimulate the normal functioning of the heart;
  • placed on the Thymus: can decrease coughs and soothes bronchial and lung areas;
  • diminishes burns and relieves blistering due to heat

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